Medical pursuits in longevity

In 1956, Clive McCay, a scientist from Cornell and his team conjoined 69 pairs of rats to study the effect of revitalizing the old with the blood of the young. After months of conjoining, the bones of some older rats became similar in density and strength to that of the young.

The wider context of patient engagement

We don't invest as much time in understanding the broader context of the patient in front of us. The before/after factors that we don’t see. But have far reaching impact on care. 

A few days ago, I shadowed a patient through a day procedure. From the time that the nurse checked her weight to the time that she was discharged.

Rethinking government's role in healthcare

There's a lot of debate about government's role in healthcare. Much of our attention is focused on fixing sickness not preventing disease.

We obsess about availability of doctors, hospital beds, staff and infrastructure to treat sick people. We don't debate enough about government's role in maintaining health of its population.

The missing operating system in healthcare

At HIMSS 2017, IBM's chief Ginni Rometty reassured in a keynote that there will be "new collar jobs" because of advances in cloud computing, data, and AI.

We are bravely marching towards cognitive computing in healthcare. However, the world of healthcare technology is dotted with isolated islands that make this march a huge challenge.

With patients, trust comes before engagement (Part 2)

I don't even want to see my doc unless I really have to. She is so busy, the whole time she just inputs data, and then bye-bye. - A patient on a forum.

By the way, did Hippocrates have to deal with MACRA, EULA's, CPTs, ICD-10's, HMO's, PPO's, MCO's, EMR's, MU's and HIPAA?  Oh... and Malpractice lawyers advertising their glory on TV?  Did not think so. - A doctor on a forum.

With patients, trust comes before engagement (Part 1)

Before managed care became the dominant force that it is, patients and doctors had the opportunity to get to know each other well.

Doctors treated multiple generations within families. This helped establish a strongbond among patients and their doctors.

While it might have intended to mean preventing expensive care, managed care began to mean organized care. Run by institutions such as Health Maintenance Organizations.

Mindfulness​ needs to be part of the healthcare conversation

It was in February 1968 that The Beatles stayed at an ashram in Rishikesh to learn Transcendental Meditation. The retreat is at the foothills of the Himalayas, across the river Ganges. Today it's totally abandoned. In ruins. Part of a jungle.

Sitting inside John Lennon's dilapidated stone cottage last summer, I stared at chunky yellow-black graffiti: When you look up at the sky and see a cloud think of me - Lennon to Yoko.